In Milan we will organise exciting activities open to the public. Primary and secondary schools’ students and curious public will have the opportunity to enjoy stimulating events, special sessions and inspiring visits. Here after please find some suggestions.


ITA talks: Speak with Italian Astronauts
Visitors will be able to get close-up talks with astronauts Samantha Cristoforetti, Luca Parmitano, Paolo Nespoli, Maurizio Cheli, Roberto Vittori, Umberto Guidoni. They will share their experiences in outer space and on board the ISS, taking time to answer questions from the audience.


Backstage stories from space missions
Experts will discuss and answer questions on the latest space developments. A cycle of open talks will be held at IAC 75th. Researchers and professionals will illustrate curiosities behind missions and activities to explore space.

Astronauts lunch experience
Visitors will learn how food for astronauts is produced and how to create effective recipes for everyone’s taste.
Food on board the ISS needs to be kept for at least 12 months without refrigeration. Meals must be included in a food plan built by nutritionists and must be satisfying in terms of taste. Humans in microgravity have an altered perception of tastes and flavors. Everything is more difficult, even chewing is a problem! Chef Stefano Polato (Space Food Laboratory of Argotec, Turin) and his collaborators create food for all European astronauts.
They will illustrate how to cook and preserve meals for astronauts.


How to grow vegetables on Mars? (Become a Martian farmer)
Humans on Mars will need self-sufficient and sustainable agriculture, but Mars does not have soil…only regolith!
Regolith on Mars contains chemicals that are dangerous for humans. In addition, sunlight is weak and there is no ozone in the atmosphere to protect from ultraviolet radiation…
So how to grow lettuce and tomatoes on Mars? Hydroponically!
Researchers will illustrate how greenhouses will work on planets far from Earth…

Drive Curiosity rover without a license
Explore Mars driving NASA’s Curiosity rover using augmented and virtual reality. Thanks to the Laboratory of Virtual
Reality at Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali (CIRA), visitors will enjoy an incredible and immersive experience exploring Mars surface driving Curiosity…but be careful not to fall into a crater or run aground in a boulder!


G7 Working Group on Science Collaboration Space Sustainability – the mitigation of space debris – Vision and purpose
A unified position on the mitigation of space debris and a coordinated national approach, recognising our individual strengths and capabilities.


Building cubesats for future satellite engineers
The CubeSat Team is a student team of Politecnico di Torino involved in the design and development of small platforms for scientific missions and in orbit demonstration of novel technologies.
The Sapienza Space Team is part of SASA (Sapienza Aerospace Student Association), a branch of the Student Chapter of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. The team regularly takes part to national and international spacerelated engineering contests.
The two teams will demonstrate how to build a cubesat using 3D printing with the help of the young public.


AstroComics: exhibit of comic strips and cartoon art
A collection of comic strips and cartoons related to space travel.

Organization of a visit at Museo della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo Da Vinci
The Museum hosts some exhibitions dedicated to Space realized in collaboration with ASI.

Organization of a virtual meeting with cartoonists and writers
who have designed for ASI during the last ten years space stories.