The Italian candidacy is officially promoted by:
AIDAA – Italian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics, representing the academia;
ASI – Italian Space Agency, representing the agencies;
LEONARDO, representing the industry.



The Italian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics (A.I.D.A.A.) is a national no-profit cultural association. It was founded in Rome on July 2, 1920 by a group of aeronautical pioneers as the Italian Aerotechnique Association. AIDAA promotes its activity through the organization of conferences, workshops, roundtables, competitions with prizes for studies and research, proceedings publication, and through the international journal “Aerotecnica Missili e Spazio – Journal of Aerospace Science, Technologies, and Systems. AIDAA is a founding member of: ICAS, IAF, CEAS.

The Italian Space Agency (ASI), established in 1988, is a national public body supervised by Ministry of University and Research with the task of preparing and implementing the Italian space policy in accordance with the Government guidelines approved by the Inter Ministerial Committee for Space and Aerospace Policies (COMINT).
Today ASI is recognized as one of the most important global stakeholders in all space domains from human and robotic exploration, to space science, earth observation, navigation and telecommunications.
ASI coordinates the Italian participation in the European Space Agency (ESA), where Italy is the third major contributor, in the European Union programs and maintains international relations with numerous space partners and international organizations. ASI is member of IAF since 1989.


Leonardo is one of the world’s major players in Aerospace, Defense and Security, a global solutions provider and a trusted long-term partner of choice for governments, institutions and business customers.
We deliver cutting-edge and dual-use technologies, meeting both military and civil requirements. In partnership with our customers, we work to strengthen global security, protect people, territories, infrastructure and cyber networks.
Leonardo is a global player in Earth observation, remote sensing of atmospheric phenomena and ecosystems, communications and navigation, intelligence services, space exploration missions. Its complementary expertise includes the development of satellite systems, orbiting infrastructure and ground systems, satellite services and operations.